Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 8

Thank goodness it's Monday. Monday is our friend. Everything back to normal, at least from our perspective. Quiet, peaceful, calm, relaxing.

One thing we've noticed is that we've been here more than a week and we're still finding new things to explore. It's not a big place, and I'm pretty sure we are covering the same ground over and over, but somehow it all seems worthy of reinvestigating. Same carpet, same furniture, same old same old, noses to the grindstone, senses working overtime. All interesting enough for us to check out one more time.

Today, when we weren't sniffing around inside and out, we were sleeping. On the sofa, in our bed, under the desk. Don't you just love routine?! No one came to visit, no one went away, no one disturbed our downtime. By all accounts, a pleasantly bland and benign day.

Just what The Doctor ordered.


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