Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 3

Crazy! All that card playing the night before last made us super hyper and it took a while for us to settle down. Finally we lapsed into a deep sleep, and was again surprised when morning arrived out of nowhere.

Routine seems to be how these people get through their day. Up at 5:00, let us out, fed us, fed themselves, then Leon disappeared again and Jenny sat down at her desk. Moj and I followed suit - little poker joke there - and hit the hay for more rest. Which made sense - the sun wasn't even up, so no point us trying to beat it.

Spent the morning sleeping, spent the afternoon sleeping ... sort of ... and in between, got to watch Law and Order at noon. Love that show! Then spent time outside, visited with a neighbour, and watched as Leon tried to stop the rising deck from blocking the outside door.

Tea time was uneventful, but that was fine. Both Moj and I were exhausted. Won't need to count sheep tonight!


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