Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 11

D'Oh! Left alone again. They slipped away this morning before we could stop them, and Moj and I had to amuse ourselves by reading the morning paper. Comics are my favourite - Tundra, Pearls Before Swine, and Wizard of Id. Moj prefers the flyers, which is pretty funny for a dog with no money and no pockets to put the money in anyway!

Soon after Jenny came back, a new visitor arrived. He had to sign something and then took a few minutes to admire the bookcase. AND GIVE ME CUDDLES! Moj did his best to defend us all, but the visitor - a very tall bloke - was not to be denied. At one point, he even picked me up. Hey, thanks Mister! And what a view from up here! How's it going down there, little Moj??!!

Back on terra firma, we got a cookie because we were so good - or should I say I was so good. Oh, okay, he wasn't that bad, and Jenny isn't so mean as to give me a cookie and not Moj, so everyone was happy!

By the way, did I sit for cookies before? 'Cause I do now!

Anyway, the afternoon passed without interruption, and everyone stayed put at home. Leon is getting better, but Jenny is now sick. As long as they don't give whatever they've got to us, we should be cleared for "return to destination" on Saturday.

Only two sleeps to go ... and you didn't even know I could count!


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