Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 4

So, imagine this. We're rudely awoken from our sleep by some silly talk about running out of time. What are they going on about? It's 5:00 am! There's plenty of time.

Then the usual routine - we are let outside to do our stuff, then we are fed, then they feed themselves, and then ... well, then the lights go out again and we are plunged into some form of solitary confinement. Yep, you got it - they went out! Don't they know it's too early? Nothing will be open ... except perhaps Timmies???!!!

Anyway, Moj and I passed the time by wondering and wandering a bit and then sleeping, although I was tempted to get the cards out again. And around the time we were feeling a bit peckish, Jenny comes back, muttering something about the car, and lets us outside.

Speaking of which, Leon did a great job with the deck - thank goodness, we can still open the back door. And just as well. Looked for a while like we were going to have to go out the front and round the back, but that didn't work out so well when we tried it. I decided to break free of my leash and go sauntering down the front sidewalk. Hey, how was I to know their front yard wasn't fenced in?!

Poor Jenny was almost at the side gate when I took off, so she quickly put Mojo in the back and then come running after me. Not sure why she was so frantic. I was completely fine - just wanted to explore a bit.

Instead of lecturing me, Jenny told me about the great big Rottie that lives down the street - no, not Harley, some other big brute - who likes to eat little dogs for breakfast. That was enough to turn me from my roaming life. Definitely staying closer to home now.

Besides, it's nice here. Quiet, comfy, lots of room to move, food's good, people are friendly. What more could a dog want?! Oh, and that backyard. Fantastic for exploring. Not that there's anything exciting there - no ornaments, no clocks, no garage, and only one tree. But Moj has constructed quite the trail for us to run through, and there's still plenty of unchartered territory to travel.

Anyway, all the adventuring wore us out. All four of us! The lights went out at 9:15 pm, and although Mojo protested a bit, I reminded him that tomorrow was another day full of possibility, and he seemed content with that.

Hope you are sleeping well, wherever you are.


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