Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 5

While the blogger sleeps, the sneak takes over! And I didn't even know Mojo could use a computer, let alone blog to his heart's content.

Oh well, it's been such a beautiful day that we either slept or played outside. Nothing too exciting to report. Other than Mojo making a break for it up the stairs, but he stopped part way up, turned around, and raced back down. Think he's training for the Canine Olympics in September.* Funny - he can barely even see over the steps.

And now we are going to eat, so no time to write, and then we'll be too busy watching Law and Order - man, do I love that show. Am hoping they'll have some hunky police dogs on tonight!

Tomorrow is the weekend. Will catch up with you then.


* See what happens when Moj gets on the internet? Wild ideas, people. Wild ideas!

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