Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 12

We awoke on Friday at a more respectable time - 5:10 am - and once outside, were lulled into silence by the balmy temps and the light snow that had fallen overnight. The day promised to be relaxing and quiet, while Jenny battled her cold and we did our best to comfort her.

And it was a lovely way to round out not only the week, but also our stay here at Rover's Retreat. We slept all morning while she worked, and then we all sat on the sofa while she worked. Then we had a snack while she worked, and finally had our tea while she worked. Gosh, she works a lot!

And in between, when we all needed a break, we went outside for a walk and a play and a rumble. Ah, gotta love these balmy days.

Leon came home and cooked a delicious lamb shank, but again, we weren't fortunate enough to sample it. However, Moj and I 'dined' on the yummy smells that wafted down to the floor where we were sitting, hopeful but realistic.

A bit of TV, lots of cuddles, and off to bed for our final sleep at this locale.

See you soon, Mum!

Tika and Mojo

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