Saturday, January 23, 2010

The last day

Wow! Has time flown. Hard to believe that it's our last day here. And, to be honest, we are in two minds about it. Yes, we had a great time, with lots of fun and adventures, and new people to meet, but we are looking forward to seeing Mum again and spending time in our own place.

And as if to say goodbye, the weather moved in and completely blanketed the backyard with snow. Kind of like a fluffy farewell as we prepared to head home. But first things first ... breakfast!!!!!!!!!

There are few things in this world that are better for body and soul that a delicious, hearty, prepared-with-love breakfast. Okay, except perhaps dinner and cookies, and definitely cuddles, but I'll eat breakfast anytime it's served to me.

Afterward, we played outside in the snow for a bit, before heading back inside so we could be comfy warm. For a while, I was in a tight ball on our bed, while Moj lay under the table, snoozing away. Faithful readers would be forgiven for assuming that we are sleepy because we'd been up playing cards all night or reading the paper. However, the fact is that we were catching up on Zzzzs in anticipation of the long journey home.

Right after their breakfast, Jenny went out to a meeting, while Leon spent the morning trying to get the TV working. No joy in that department, so we provided some entertainment for him by rough housing in the living room. Happy to help out!

When Jenny came home, we decided it was time to snooze. But soon after, there was a knock at the door. Of course, we went to investigate, and even before the door opened, Mojo began to act strange ... as if he knew exactly who was on the other side. Slowly, the door opened, and we stared for a few seconds before realising it was her ... I mean, she ... I mean, MUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah! Yippee! Yahoo! Fantastic! Brilliant! Jump! Run! Bark! Circles! Go like crazy!

Okay, I think you get the picture. We went berserk, leaping up at her until she came down to our level so we could jump right on top of her. We were very happy because we knew that she had not forgotten us. For the next 20 minutes, we ran between everyone to say thanks - to Mum for coming back and taking us home, and to Jenny and Leon for taking care of us. I fell asleep on Mum's lap, Mojo got extra cuddles from Leon, I showed Mum my new trick - sitting for a treat - and then we packed up everything and went home.

Which was interesting in itself. Mum carried the big bag and Mojo, and Jenny carried me and the bed. But I got a bit nervous and thought I was being left behind again, so I barked all the way home - until Harley and Copper joined in. Then I realised it was all good and barked simply because I was happy!!!!!!

Finally we were in familiar territory, and we did exactly what you'd expect - sniffed around to check everything out and say hi to each piece of furniture, the TV, the fridge, and all our stuff. Yes, we are happy to be home, but Rover's Retreat will always hold fond memories for us.

So, this is Tika and Mojo, signing off, and saying thanks to you for sharing this adventure with us. May you all sleep soundly in your own beds tonight!

Tika and Mojo xxxx

Day 12

We awoke on Friday at a more respectable time - 5:10 am - and once outside, were lulled into silence by the balmy temps and the light snow that had fallen overnight. The day promised to be relaxing and quiet, while Jenny battled her cold and we did our best to comfort her.

And it was a lovely way to round out not only the week, but also our stay here at Rover's Retreat. We slept all morning while she worked, and then we all sat on the sofa while she worked. Then we had a snack while she worked, and finally had our tea while she worked. Gosh, she works a lot!

And in between, when we all needed a break, we went outside for a walk and a play and a rumble. Ah, gotta love these balmy days.

Leon came home and cooked a delicious lamb shank, but again, we weren't fortunate enough to sample it. However, Moj and I 'dined' on the yummy smells that wafted down to the floor where we were sitting, hopeful but realistic.

A bit of TV, lots of cuddles, and off to bed for our final sleep at this locale.

See you soon, Mum!

Tika and Mojo

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 11

D'Oh! Left alone again. They slipped away this morning before we could stop them, and Moj and I had to amuse ourselves by reading the morning paper. Comics are my favourite - Tundra, Pearls Before Swine, and Wizard of Id. Moj prefers the flyers, which is pretty funny for a dog with no money and no pockets to put the money in anyway!

Soon after Jenny came back, a new visitor arrived. He had to sign something and then took a few minutes to admire the bookcase. AND GIVE ME CUDDLES! Moj did his best to defend us all, but the visitor - a very tall bloke - was not to be denied. At one point, he even picked me up. Hey, thanks Mister! And what a view from up here! How's it going down there, little Moj??!!

Back on terra firma, we got a cookie because we were so good - or should I say I was so good. Oh, okay, he wasn't that bad, and Jenny isn't so mean as to give me a cookie and not Moj, so everyone was happy!

By the way, did I sit for cookies before? 'Cause I do now!

Anyway, the afternoon passed without interruption, and everyone stayed put at home. Leon is getting better, but Jenny is now sick. As long as they don't give whatever they've got to us, we should be cleared for "return to destination" on Saturday.

Only two sleeps to go ... and you didn't even know I could count!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 10

Today got off to a rollicking start when we went outside for our morning break at the usual time. Since we'd been awake for about an hour already, Tika decided to try and wake up EVERYBODY in the neighbourhood so they, too, could get a jump on the day. Needless to say, it didn't go over very well, especially since the people at the Retreat were barely awake themselves.

You should have seen it though. Tika having so much fun, leaping around in the snow, barking at shadows, with me egging her on to victory - again. But just like when she tried to run away, she failed to achieve her objective. Doesn't matter. It was so much fun that I'm going to convince her to commit to a repeat performance tomorrow.

Last night we went to sleep while Jenny was still working. Actually, I'm surprised that Tika slept okay (and still sleeping by the way, in case you're wondering why I'm at the computer again). She was rather restless, walking around a lot and licking the carpet. Jenny and Leon were a bit worried, but managed to distract her with cuddles and cookies.

Basically, I think she misses you, and I have to admit, I do, too. We really like it here, and everyone is so nice to us, but it's not our place. Yes, I know what I said in my other email, but I've concluded that there's nothing sinister going on here, and I have to say that these two have completely won me over. Shocker, right? Surprised me, too! Anyway, as I've always said, there's no place like home, and it will be fun rediscovering all our usual haunts again - and for me to reclaim my place as King of the Kastle. At least until Dad comes home!

How's it going there anyway, Dad?

Okay, enough soppy chit chat. Besides, Tika is awake and trying to push me off the keyboard. Hang on, Tika! What? Yes, I told them about you this morning. Well, everyone thinks I'm the bad guy, so I wanted to set the record straight that you, too, revel in the troublemaking. I wasn't making you do it! Really?! Oh, you're asking for it. Time to rumble!!!!!!

[Dead air while both Tika and Mojo play attack games in the living room until Tika takes back the keyboard. Law and Order, anyone?]

Er, yes, about my barking. A simple matter of being a little too happy and wanting to share it with the neighbours. Unfortunately, the neighbours didn't want to share back. Although later I heard Harley barking - at a much more respectable hour - in solidarity for my early enthusiasm. Not sure if there'll be a repeat performance tomorrow. You'll have to wait and see!

So, with all that commotion a distant memory, today was a bit different. Another visitor. Nice man - Gordon, I think - who came in the afternoon to help Jenny mail some stuff out. Only stayed for a little while, and took all the stuff with him when he went.

Afternoon was lazy ... for us, at any rate. Jenny worked like mad, then we all ate, she went out, and Leon relaxed to try and shake off his cold.

Sleepy now. Later, dudes!

Tika (and Mojo)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 9

Moj and I decided that 4:10 am was a good time to get up this morning. Unfortunately, no one else did, so we were left to our own devices for another 53 minutes. Okay, so it was a bit mean of us, especially considering that Leon had the sniffles and really needed to sleep. But I don't know what Jenny's excuse was. Oh well, we survived till she came downstairs and the wait made breakfast all the more delicious!

Day progressed pretty much as usual. We went outside. We ate. They ate. Leon left. We slept till 10:30. Jenny went out. Came back. Leon came home. Dinner was served. Is everybody happy? You bet your life we are!

Happy National Popcorn Day!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 8

Thank goodness it's Monday. Monday is our friend. Everything back to normal, at least from our perspective. Quiet, peaceful, calm, relaxing.

One thing we've noticed is that we've been here more than a week and we're still finding new things to explore. It's not a big place, and I'm pretty sure we are covering the same ground over and over, but somehow it all seems worthy of reinvestigating. Same carpet, same furniture, same old same old, noses to the grindstone, senses working overtime. All interesting enough for us to check out one more time.

Today, when we weren't sniffing around inside and out, we were sleeping. On the sofa, in our bed, under the desk. Don't you just love routine?! No one came to visit, no one went away, no one disturbed our downtime. By all accounts, a pleasantly bland and benign day.

Just what The Doctor ordered.


Day 7

Never a dull moment around this place. Every time you turn around, something new is happening.

Day started as normal - outside and breakfast, with Leon leading the charge - and then a big noisemaker came out. Scared the pants off us both when it started up, and we raced outside until it was all over. It was big and yellow and picked up dust and stuff. Fortunately it was gone by the time we came back in, but Jenny and Leon seemed to be fizzgigging around, making sure the place was clean and tidy. Then they settled down in the kitchen to cook some delicious crispy bacon ... ah, what a treat, although not for us, as it turned out.

Enter the visitor. Of course, Mojo turned all Protecto and growled, barked, and ran away ... his usual stuff, which, in my mind, completely contradicts everything he said in his blog entry. Why would he go to all that trouble if he wasn't feeling the need to defend his new territory? Think about it, people!

Anyway, Miriam was really nice, and petted me as soon as she got in the door. She tried to make friends with Mojo, but he wasn't having a bar of it - until she stopped looking at him. I kid you not. Whenever Miriam looked at Moj, he ran away; when she wasn't looking, he crept closer. Not sure if he was trying to get a better view, or hoping to lull her into a false sense of security so he could scare her into leaving. Either way, it didn't work ... and I was glad it didn't 'cause I got all the attention!

Miriam stayed, everyone talked, the bacon slowly disappeared - although none dropped on the floor for us as I was hoping it would. Still, there was lots of time for cuddles afterward - Miriam even sat on the floor with me and talked to me for a bit. Once again, Moj missed out. Silly boy, although instead of acting all indifferent, he seemed to be a little bit sad. Could it be he's changing his tone?????!!!!! Smaller miracles have happened.

Oh well. After Miriam left, the others sat down and we all spent the afternoon doing nothing. Nothing, I say. Imagine that. After all the activity of the past two days, they would completely give up and do nothing. Why the heck can't they be like that all the time?

Last thing I remember is learning something about brothers and sisters on the TV. But neither Moj nor I could keep our eyes open for very long, and were fast asleep before you could say ....

Sure hope Monday is quiet. We've got lots of sleeping to catch up on.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 6

That was different!

Today started off with Leon letting us outside and feeding us. He's funny, you know. He tells jokes, describes what he's doing, asks what we want for breakfast - who does that?! - and even sings from time to time. He got everything cooking and set everything up, and he talked the entire time! We were going to ask where Jenny was, but we couldn't get a word in edgeways. Eventually, she appeared in the kitchen - turning up when the food is on. Clever girl!

And then after they ate, things went crazy!

Cleaning, washing, sorting, throwing stuff out, moving stuff around, putting things in new places, vacuuming, dusting. We tried to stay out of their way, but at the same time, we wanted to watch everything that was going on. Bad idea, because at one point, they tied feather dusters to our tails and put us to work!

We got a break when they carted a whole load of books off to some place called the Winnipeg Humane Society. Jenny was talking about a sale, so we were glad when they left us at home and only took the books!

Anyway, we were all pretty busy from daylight to dark, and before we knew it, we were fed and happy and sleepy. No Law and Order on Saturdays, but Whale Rider was pretty good. The singing whales helped us fall asleep.

All in all, a very different yet extraordinary day! I just hope they take it easy tomorrow. Going at that pace is exhausting.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 5

While the blogger sleeps, the sneak takes over! And I didn't even know Mojo could use a computer, let alone blog to his heart's content.

Oh well, it's been such a beautiful day that we either slept or played outside. Nothing too exciting to report. Other than Mojo making a break for it up the stairs, but he stopped part way up, turned around, and raced back down. Think he's training for the Canine Olympics in September.* Funny - he can barely even see over the steps.

And now we are going to eat, so no time to write, and then we'll be too busy watching Law and Order - man, do I love that show. Am hoping they'll have some hunky police dogs on tonight!

Tomorrow is the weekend. Will catch up with you then.


* See what happens when Moj gets on the internet? Wild ideas, people. Wild ideas!

Top Secret!

Tika's asleep, so I decided to commandeer the keyboard and set the record straight here.

These people? They're crazy! Yeah, yeah, they act normal - feed us, walk us, play with us - but there's something more sinister going on. Can't quite put my paw on it, but something's just not right.

Let me start by saying that Tika is completely besotted with them. Follows them around, sleeps under their desk, jumps up on the couch with them, does everything she's told. Even after she tried to run away - which was clear evidence to me that she really wanted out of here ... and lucky girl, she almost made it ... I was cheering her on ... "Run, Tika, Run!" - she went on and on about how nice Jenny was not to scold her. I think she's been brainwashed, indoctrinated, proselytized!

Okay, so Tika's blogs paint a rosy picture, but she wasn't all that fussed about them at first either. Obviously, they did something to her that changed her thinking. I'm pretty sure it's the cuddles she got on Day 1!

Damn those cuddles. They'll alter anyone's perception.

Me, on the other hand, I took my time 'getting to know them' - at least that's what they think. But actually, I was planning my strategy, plotting my course for the time we are stuck here, figuring out the best approach to get what I need without letting them think I trust them. I watch them like a hawk, and it's paying off. Thanks to me, they haven't accidentally - deliberately??? - put us in the washing machine yet. And the big guy? Even let him pat me ... but not for the first 3 days. Good trick, eh?!

I suppose the most suspicious element is the names they call us. Stupid things, like Precious, Cutey Pie, Little One, Skuzzlebutt, Jo-Jo Mo-Mo - I think it's code, but I'm not sure what for. Ah, I'll figure it out, but I'm sure it's not anything good!

Oops, someone is coming. Gotta switch off the lights and send this before I get caught. Hope you're happy you dumped us here ... GRRRRR!


PS Don't let anyone else see this. It will blow my cover!
PPS Where the bloody hell are you?????????????????

Day 4

So, imagine this. We're rudely awoken from our sleep by some silly talk about running out of time. What are they going on about? It's 5:00 am! There's plenty of time.

Then the usual routine - we are let outside to do our stuff, then we are fed, then they feed themselves, and then ... well, then the lights go out again and we are plunged into some form of solitary confinement. Yep, you got it - they went out! Don't they know it's too early? Nothing will be open ... except perhaps Timmies???!!!

Anyway, Moj and I passed the time by wondering and wandering a bit and then sleeping, although I was tempted to get the cards out again. And around the time we were feeling a bit peckish, Jenny comes back, muttering something about the car, and lets us outside.

Speaking of which, Leon did a great job with the deck - thank goodness, we can still open the back door. And just as well. Looked for a while like we were going to have to go out the front and round the back, but that didn't work out so well when we tried it. I decided to break free of my leash and go sauntering down the front sidewalk. Hey, how was I to know their front yard wasn't fenced in?!

Poor Jenny was almost at the side gate when I took off, so she quickly put Mojo in the back and then come running after me. Not sure why she was so frantic. I was completely fine - just wanted to explore a bit.

Instead of lecturing me, Jenny told me about the great big Rottie that lives down the street - no, not Harley, some other big brute - who likes to eat little dogs for breakfast. That was enough to turn me from my roaming life. Definitely staying closer to home now.

Besides, it's nice here. Quiet, comfy, lots of room to move, food's good, people are friendly. What more could a dog want?! Oh, and that backyard. Fantastic for exploring. Not that there's anything exciting there - no ornaments, no clocks, no garage, and only one tree. But Moj has constructed quite the trail for us to run through, and there's still plenty of unchartered territory to travel.

Anyway, all the adventuring wore us out. All four of us! The lights went out at 9:15 pm, and although Mojo protested a bit, I reminded him that tomorrow was another day full of possibility, and he seemed content with that.

Hope you are sleeping well, wherever you are.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 3

Crazy! All that card playing the night before last made us super hyper and it took a while for us to settle down. Finally we lapsed into a deep sleep, and was again surprised when morning arrived out of nowhere.

Routine seems to be how these people get through their day. Up at 5:00, let us out, fed us, fed themselves, then Leon disappeared again and Jenny sat down at her desk. Moj and I followed suit - little poker joke there - and hit the hay for more rest. Which made sense - the sun wasn't even up, so no point us trying to beat it.

Spent the morning sleeping, spent the afternoon sleeping ... sort of ... and in between, got to watch Law and Order at noon. Love that show! Then spent time outside, visited with a neighbour, and watched as Leon tried to stop the rising deck from blocking the outside door.

Tea time was uneventful, but that was fine. Both Moj and I were exhausted. Won't need to count sheep tonight!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 2

Back on our feet after the big sleep, it took us a few minutes to remember where we were. But hey, ultimately, people are people, and as long as they feed us and pet us, what do we care?!

Turns out, our sleeping quarters are a huge room - in the kitchen! And I gotta say, it was incredible. No snoring people to contend with, no sudden flailing of arms and legs at two in the morning, and no stupid alarms to disturb us. Plus, Mojo and I were lulled to sleep by the smell of food - all around us. Fantastic! We walked around and did what we wanted, but it wasn't until midnight that I found the cards, at which point Moj and I pulled out the chairs and played Texas Hold 'Em until the wee hours.

Literally ... which was 5:00 am, when Jenny came downstairs and let us outside. My, how the time had flown!

Breakfast was brilliant - those two really know how to serve up a storm - and then Leon disappeared, Jenny sat down to work, and we headed off to snoozeville.

Mojo seems to have really settled down, although still a bit wary of Leon, but I am a bit sad. I like to sit under Jenny's chair every now and then - makes me feel better. For the most part, Moj and I are getting on okay ... well, except for one little fight. Hey, it wasn't my fault! He was lying in MY bed!!!!!!!!!!

The day progressed sleepily, we played outside for a while because it warmed up to 0C or something, and Jenny shovelled out a path so we didn't have to trek through the snow anymore. Leon came home, we ate - actually, he fed us! - and then they ate, and before long it was bedtime.

What can I say. Time flies when you're having fun!


PS Leon has started calling Moj "Momo" - what's up with that??!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 1

G’day Mum and Dad,

Well, we made it through the first day. And it sure was fun! All the new smells and noises and places to check out kept us busy for hours. After Mum left, Mojo and I ran right upstairs to see what has happening up there, and then Mojo ran right back down again. I was a little unsure of the big steps, so Jenny carried me back down. She blocked it off to keep us safe, because there’s no backing on the steps and she’s worried we’ll fall through. But that’s okay – plenty of room in the house to run and play and relax.

I eventually fell asleep for a while in my bed around 10:30 am, but Moj took up position on the top of the couch fairly early on where he kept watch for a bit. When he came back down to earth, there was no sleep for him – probably because I hogged the entire bed and he couldn't figure out where to lie down!

He told me later that he almost licked Jenny’s hand, but then headed off looking for somewhere to lay his tired, panting little head. Funny little guy!!!!!

Actually, Moj isn’t acting the way I thought he would. Whenever he goes outside, he forages through all the deep snow, leaving trails for me to follow and almost losing himself in the process. Fortunately, they have shovels to dig him out if necessary, so I guess it’s all okay.

All that trailblazing finally caught up with him and he dropped, plum tuckered out, in the space behind Jenny's desk. Sleeping like a baby!

At 2:55 pm, Mojo wagged his tail for the first time and at 5:05, he finally let Jenny pat him. Hurrah! Happy he was!

We weren't sure how or when we were going to be fed, but all of a sudden, shortly after 4:00 pm, there it was, all ready for us in the kitchen! Joy, oh joy!!!!! Both of us ate everything and as our reward, we got to go outside and play in the snow again. There is so much snow for us, and with Moj leading the way, I don't have to do any work at all to get around the yard!

The next thing we knew, Leon came home. Of course, neither of us really remembered him, but I didn't care ... much. What was more surprising is that Moj didn't seem to mind hardly at all. No barking, no growling ... and no going anywhere near him, but hey, that's okay. Anyway, it was his loss because Leon taught me how to make oven french fries. Delish!

Gotta go now. Will pick up where I left off tomorrow. Hope you are having fun, 'cause we are!
