Thursday, March 4, 2010


With Jenny and Leon both going to be out of our way this morning, Mojo and I spent last night plotting and planning late into the night. We wanted to play a trick on them ... well, Jenny, at least, since we knew she would be back first. Nothing bad, but then when it went off without a hitch, we were oh so happy with all our cleverness.

You see, Moj and I decided to do our stuff right under the tree. Not out on the track where it was easy to get, but right under all the branches - the ones with the deepest snow under them. We could get in and out because we are little, but Jenny is tall and, as luck would have it, wearing good shoes.

So, when she let us out into the yard for a run around, we stood back and watched her try to pick up our deposits. And ... tee hee! ... she stepped right in the deep snow, got the branches stuck in her hair, and ... giggle giggle ... fell into the bushy bush. Moj and I frolicked and barked in glee. Tricksies are us!

But Jenny's a good sport - and besides, she didn't know that we planned it that way, so she wasn't mad at us.

The rest of the day passed without incident - for her or for us. Interestingly, though, the TV went on the minute she got home. Something about Admin Thursday - I think that's human for "TV while you work"!

And the big surprise at the end was that Leon fed us tonight. Okay, so we felt a little bad for tricking Jenny (not) and decided against tricking Leon the same way. Besides, he kindly took us for yet another big walk, so we expect to sleep well tonight!

Hope you two do, too.


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