Monday, March 8, 2010

Home is where YOU are

Our last day at Rover's Retreat and I've finally figured it out.

Mojo did not eat again this morning ... until Jenny put his food on a flat plate and he ate about a third of it. Yes, he then ate a treat, but that's not the point.

The point is that I think he misses you, as I do. We both miss you both, and even though it's fun and stuff here, it isn't home. Home is where YOU are! So, we are happy that at least one of you will be there today and we can reconnect with our own furniture and favourite places, and sleep in our own bed - er, I mean your bed, but that's not the point.

We didn't start to pack until after dinner because we didn't want them to think we wanted to leave. We do, but we don't. They really look after us and it is nice here, but, well, it's just not home. Still, we did our best to make the most of our day.

That was our intention, at least, but we ended up sleeping all morning, then got up to watch Law and Order, and when Leon came home, we decided against going for a walk because it was raining and we didn't want to get our precious little pawsies wet.

But that was okay because - surprise, surprise - Mojo ate his dinner. All by himself without any coaxing whatsoever. We then moved to the sofa and waited and waited and waited.

Even though we were asleep when she arrived, it only took us a few seconds to realise that MUM IS HOME! And after a short visit with all five of us, we were chauffeured home in the arms of two people we love.

Thanks for following our adventures at Rover's Retreat. We are now going to sleep with Mum home safe and sound.

Bye for now!

Tika (and Mojo) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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