Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's all a blur!

Hard to believe it's March, morning and Wednesday. Where is the time going?

I gotta tell you, that walk yesterday really knocked us for six. We slept right through the night, and Mojo didn't visit the tree once! We then settled into an extremely lazy day ... until Leon came home and off we trotted for another wander in the wilds of Winnipeg.

We noted with some chagrin that the streets are getting sloshy, but the air is oh, so warm. Okay, so maybe not Afghanistan warm or Cuba warm, but warm nonetheless. When it looked like Moj and I were going to need swimming goggles to see where we were going, we were scooped up and plonked onto solid ground.

I must say, the only good thing about getting soaked on a walk is the towel drying back at home base.

And that's about it for us today. Moj did want me to tell you not to get too excited about the 'sitting for food' thing he's doing now. If he has anything to do with it, he promises it will only be available for viewing at Rover's Retreat! I guess time will tell!

Signing off from here. Hope your there is as much fun as our here.

Tika xx

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