Monday, March 1, 2010

Return to ... where are we?

What a shocker!

Woke up this morning and we were somewhere else. Okay, so it did look vaguely familiar, but some things had changed. And then Mojo reminded me that the night before, Mum took us for a walk and we never went back. Anyway, obviously by the time we woke up, I had forgotten all about it, but after I shook my head awake, I was happy - Rover's Retreat!!!!!!

Mojo and I took to our return visit like ducks to water, and we slept, well, most of the day. It was really nice, you know? Friendly people, comfy spots to claim as our own - I said 'claim', nothing about tagging - a huge yard to explore, and two square meals a day. What's not to like?!

Oh, and the big news? More a brag for Jenny ... but Mojo SAT for his treat. Twice! I witnessed it the first time, Leon the second. And there is a trick ... which I will share with Mum when she gets back.

Anyway, gotta go. We're watching a new comedy - Hiccups. The critics panned it, but it's not bad.

Later, people!

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