Sunday, March 7, 2010

Home is where the food is

Ah, foiled again! Our attempt to wake them up super early was defeated by a sneak treat and a pat on our heads. Then, before we knew it, it was 7:52 am! Which meant no walking, just breakfast and cuddles, and the promise of a walk later in the afternoon.

Which was fine. Leon ended up washing our pillow, and later, filled the air with the most delicious aroma. Peanut biscuits, I think. Mojo and I rough-housed a bit, and Jenny worked on the newsletter for the Down Under Club.

Are you ever going down under, Mum and Dad?

We did have a visitor for a little bit, and then Moj and I were left to our own devices for a while. Mojo slept, but I penned a little ditty about him ...

There once was a doggie named Moj
Who seemed to be perfectly so
But he went straight to bed
Without being fed
Was he hungry? Nobody knows!

Oh, he's okay. But for some reason he didn't want his breakfast this morning. Instead, he simply found a comfy spot and happily snoozed away. I tried to eat his share, but alas, he would have none of it. Why wouldn't he eat? Who knows. Mind you, he wasn't so picky when it came to treats. I think it was all an act to get more of the fun stuff throughout the day, but he didn't get any more than I did it, so not sure what the point was - if he was trying to make a point, that is.

If home is where the food is, then Mojo doesn't live here anymore. He didn't eat his dinner either, but he ate every treat given to him. Maybe he's just bored with the same old same old. Will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow.


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