Saturday, March 6, 2010

That was scary!

Well, that was different! Mojo and I woke up as usual for a Saturday - at 4:40 am - and Jenny came downstairs to let us out. Then, surprise surprise, she gave us a treat, and while we were eating, she left!

"Hey, Moj, did you see where she went?"

"Nope. I was too busy eating."

And we were left alone for another two hours. Two hours! Who ever heard of such a thing?! When the two of them finally appeared, they were wide awake, dressed in their coats and all ready to go. Oh yeah! We were off to the park.

And wow, was it beautiful out there! Quiet, peaceful, a few flakes of snow flying around. Not quite zero degrees, but getting there. We went all the way to the English Garden and the ... what the heck is that???!!! Oh, it's just a deer sculpture, but for a minute there, it looked so real! The best part was when we met Teddy, a friendly little chap who played with us for about 20 minutes. All in all, it was lots of fun.

Back home after our long walk, we basically hunkered down for the rest of the day. Too tired to do anything else, we waited patiently until the scary movie came on. "The Haunting in Connecticut" is very, very, very scary, although unfortunately with a few silly bits and a really dumb bit. But the surprising thing? Guess who we saw in it? JENNY! In a photo that they showed over and over again. How exciting. We are living with somebody famous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who knew?!

Anyway, going to sleep now. Hey, can someone leave the light on? Please?


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