Friday, March 5, 2010

Sleepy Friday

Woke to an overcast day with snow melting and temperatures rising. Probably a slushy walk this afternoon, but that's okay, 'cause then there's the towel drying. (At least they don't put us in the dryer!)

All this exercise is keeping us fit and sleepy. And so we did what any self-respecting dogs would do on a day like today, and that's snooze the hours away.

Not the other residents of this place, though. Work, work, work. No wonder they need a walk at the end of the day.

But all that's okay, because we have to be ready to watch Caprica tonight. Very exciting, engaging, clever. Next to Law and Order, it's a personal favourite of mine. Mojo still likes to watch At The End of My Leash, but that's probably because he usually ends up at the end of his when we all go walking. Not me, though. I like to lag behind and sniff ... things.

Moj was a bit hesitant to eat this morning and then again this afternoon. He looks fine, runs around like normal, usual manic energy. Not sure what his deal is, but patience paid off and, with my finishing touches, he clean up his bowl.

Anyway, can't write any more. It's getting close to Caprica, and we have to be up bright and early tomorrow ... because we're going to the park!

Tika xx

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