Friday, July 16, 2010

Canine Capers 5

There’s a strange thing going on in our neighbourhood.

A funny noise — actually, a noisy noise — every now and then coming from somewhere across the street.

And given our success yesterday with the animal grapevine, M and I thought we would see who was around today to help in our investigation.

First things first, though. M has been so busy the last few days trying to come up with a name for the agency that he completely forgot to eat. Well, to eat his real food, but apparently not so busy for his treats. That man at the end of his leash would not have been impressed!

Anyway, today he decided that he needed to get back on track so he could keep up with the pace of our expanding business — and he scoffed down his breakfast like there was none tomorrow.

After we had our post-breakfast snooze, Jenny let us outside — although I’m sure we’re smart enough to let ourselves outside, thank you very much! — and we stayed out there while getting our grapevine together.

Madam Dragonfly was our first visitor. She landed right on M’s nose, much to his chagrin, before she settled on the neighbour’s fence.

“What are you two up to today?” she inquired. (Ladies don’t ask, they inquire.)

M spoke first. “We want to find out where that noise is coming from.”

“What noise?”

“Well, you can’t hear it now, but you will later on, and then we’re going to find out what it is.”

“And what are you going to do about it?”

“Put a stop to it!”

That M. Always with his pie-in-the-sky ambitions, although I have to admit, it would be nice to somehow silence that infernal noise.

“Can I help?” offered Madam Dragonfly, with a gentle flutter of her glorious transparent wings.

And before either M or I could answer, she added, “I have to meet some mosquitoes for lunch, but I’ll come back as soon as I hear the noise.”

Now, that’s what I call a plan!

Before long, we had our grapevine in place — Sammy Sparrow, Claude Squirrel, our friend Alice Bunny, Carli Crow and, of course, Madam Dragonfly. And then we sat back (actually, M and I snoozed) and waited ....

And waited ....

And waited ....

But nothing happened. No noise. How very disappointing!

Or maybe knowing that there was a plan to stop it was enough to scare the noise from ever happening again. Now, there’s a nice thought.

Oh well. At least we have a team in place if the noise decides to disrupt our lovely little neighbourhood again.

It’s been a long day — time to hit the hay. Waiting for danger that never comes is certainly an exhausting pursuit!


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