Monday, July 12, 2010

Canine Capers 1

Bored now!

Been here, done that. Sleeping, walking, sleeping, eating, sleeping, pats, cuddles, play, sleeping ... blah, blah, blah. Yep, we're so bored, I sat at the back fence all afternoon Saturday watching the world go by. And Mojo can't even be bothered to pee inside. Not so far, at least.

Anyway, on Saturday night, we sat up till late trying to figure out how the heck we are going to enjoy our stay here. And although we were unsuccessful in coming to any conclusion whatsoever, fate and happenstance saved the day.

On Sunday, we were outside, me relaxing in the shade at the back fence, Mojo sunning himself on the lush, green grass. Up walked two dogs - both bigger than us, one black, the other black, tan and white, wearing collars, and the latter one, the smaller of the two, still with his leash attached.

"How very odd," remarked Mojo.

We asked them why they were walking around without their humans, and they said they were out with their human - both owned by the same person, apparently - when he suddenly disappeared. They were looking for him in the back lane.

Then Jenny came outside, and saw them talking to us. She spoke nicely to them, but they turned and walked away. We wished them luck, and off they went.

Jenny was very concerned and went looking to see if anyone was calling out for their dogs. Then Leon came outside, and she told him, "I'm worried about two dogs that were wandering alone in the back lane. They could get hurt, or worse. I think we should go for a walk and see if we can find them and/or their owners."

And that got me and Moj thinking.

All sorts of weird things happen in our neighbourhood. Usually cats are to blame, but sometimes it's all left unexplained, with no one held accountable and outcomes not revealed.

Ah ha! An instant cure for our boredom! WE will sort out the weird things. WE will hold people accountable. WE will make sure everyone knows what happened. And WE will start with the two lost dogs.

Not that they knew it, but we let Jenny and Leon team up with us on our rescue mission. We looked everywhere, sniffing markers along the way to see what we could find out. And then, partway down the front street, we saw them, joyfully reunited with their owner. I yelled out to him, "You better not let that happen again!" and then we walked around, very proud of ourselves, before going home.

Okay, so perhaps not as boring as we thought - as long as the weird stuff keeps happening. But I have a feeling it's going to keep us very busy for the next two weeks. Maybe we'll even open our own agency, but got to think of a name first ....

Stay tuned!


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