Monday, April 19, 2010

Curiouser and curiouser

Beautiful day, the sun shining, the wind still. Perfect day for a walk to the recycling bins.

Off we set, revelling in the early start and the quiet neighbourhood. It's not a long walk, and fortunately neither Mojo nor I had to carry the shredded paper. Jenny doesn't want to put it in the blue bins in case it all blows away - although then, I suppose, she wouldn't have to carry it all the way to the recycling bins on Ness. Oh well.

The trip there was non eventful, but on the way, something curious happened.

A short distance from the bins, Mojo started to limp. His back left leg. Leon thought Moj had something in his foot, but upon closer inspection, all seemed okay. Then Leon thought it was perhaps because Moj's nails were too long, and we moved across the road so we could all walk on the grass - except Leon and Jenny who stayed walking on the pavement.

And then something even more curious happened. After a few minutes, I started limping - same leg, same way as Mojo. Both of our 'problem' feet were inspected, with no obvious signs of anything being wrong. Five minutes later, when the problem hadn't righted itself, our handlers asked each other if perhaps they should carry us all the way home ... but while they were debating their options, Mojo and I started walking normally again.

Curiouser and curiouser.

Too bad. Being carried home would have been nice - for us, at least. But I have to say, I was as befuddled as they were. Still, none of us have any idea what was going on, but when talking later, Mojo and I wondered if it was some form of sympathetic limping - or merely a pathetic attempt to get some extra attention.

Any votes on either scenario?

Love Tika and Mojo xx

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